You want to learn how to create a stained glass piece, but can not commit to weeks of lessons. This is the class for you! No experience required. You will learn the entire process from start to finish and go home with a beautiful work of art.
This class runs for 2 consecutive days; group #1 Sept. 14th and 28th, group #2 Oct. 19th and 26th, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm with a 45 minutes break for lunch. It is an intensive class so be prepared to be on your feet most of the day.
All materials are included.
PLEASE NOTE: You MUST come into the studio prior to the class date to pick your pattern and glass for the project. Pattern and glass choice take time, there will not be time in class to do this.
Please check your calendar carefully before signing up as we do not offer refunds, credit or make-up classes.